Frist part of the pictures of my field trip in the "Pays Basques", South West of France

Here is the first part of the pictures of the field trip I did in the Pays Basque. We went there to study the stratigraphy and the geological history of the region when it was under the ocean.
It was very interesting but very tiring and sometimes dangerous.

Pointe Sainte-Anne

Me, all ready for a big day on the field... and to fight against, the wave, the rain and the wind...:p
Difficult to be go up from the beach after a morning of hard work...:p
Cliffs in Spain
Aurélie L., Pauline and Blandine after the lunch break under the rain.
Us going down to the limit of the cliff. Look tha my pants (light blue pants) was still clean at that time..:p
MarieB, Me, Landry, Aurélie G., Candice and Thomas back from the sea..:p
The survivor back from the cliffs...:p
Here are (from left to right): Emilie, Aurélie L., Blandine, Me, Candice(in front of me) and Aurélie G.

Blandine and MarieB on the cliffs...
The teachers made us go on the last little part of this cliffs to see some nice sedimentologycal figures... when suddenly a big wawes came above us... very nice moment... Thank you, I was completely wet, cold and so afraid afterward...

Candice and me after some big fall in the muddy and dangerous little way along the cliffs... fortunately nobody fall into the stormy ocean.... Vive les risques de la Géologie !!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Salut Célia !!!

ça y est, je te laisse enfin un commentaire !!!! Depuis le temps que je t'avais dis que je t'en laisserai un....

J'aime bien la dernière photo où tu est avec Marie, ça a un petit coté... Marrant !

Sérieux, je suis tout tristouné que tu parte. Mais c'est la vie... En tout cas, j'espère que l'on se reverra !!! Je viendrai te voir chez les british !!! Comme ça, je pourrais parler english en plus !!!!!

Allez, à plus. Bisous.

Nico (Le grand disciple de Baloo qui est le plus grand philosophe a monde (pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas, il faut voir le livre de la jungle !!!))


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